Ace the FTCE Physical Education K-12 Test 2024 – Pump Up Your Teaching Power!

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Question: 1 / 50

What phenomenon describes the awareness of potential rewards or punishments affecting behavior?

Attribution theory

Social learning theory

The correct answer is social learning theory. This theory emphasizes that behavior is influenced not only by direct reinforcement or punishment but also by observing the consequences of others' actions. Individuals learn by watching what happens to those around them, which informs their understanding of potential rewards and punishments. This awareness can strongly influence their own behavior as they anticipate similar outcomes for themselves. Attribution theory focuses on how individuals interpret and understand the causes of their successes and failures, rather than on the influence of observing others. Self-efficacy relates to an individual’s belief in their ability to succeed in specific situations, which affects their motivation and effort rather than the broader awareness of potential rewards or punishments. Learned helplessness describes a state in which individuals feel unable to change their circumstances due to repeated failures, but it does not specifically address the awareness of rewards and punishments in the same proactive manner as social learning theory does.


Learned helplessness


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